Επειδή τα πάντα στη ζωή χρειάζονται… έμπνευση!!!
1. The Ski-Slope Bathroom
2. The Ice Restroom

3. The Steampunk Bath
4. The Solid-Gold Throne
5. The ‘Yellow Submarine’ Bathroom
6. The Glass-Bottom Bathroom
7. The Underwater Bathroom
8. The Koi Pond Commode
9. The Chaos Commode
10. The Mortality Toilet
11. The One-Way-Mirror Palace
13. The Outdoorsy Bathroom
14. The Stone-Age Bathroom
15. The Surprise Bathroom
16. The Indoor/Outdoor Bathroom
17. The Egg Pod
18. The Garden Toilet
19. The High-Rise Bathroom
20. The Room of Mirrors
21. The Comic Book Bathroom
22. The Couples Retreat
23. The Gamer’s Paradise
24. The Tropical Challenge Bathroom