This is a blog about mountain hut vilages of Greece. We don’t have the resources to maintain it in English yet, sorry! There are still some things which might be useful to you, like the pictures on Flickr, or better still if you go to the main website where all the information is also available in English.
Also universally useful are the walking/cycling/driving routes which we have uploaded on a Google Maps background and you can find all together by clicking here. On any of the maps, doubleclicking will take you to a SportyPal page, like this one which tells you how to get here. Overall however it is probably if you just visit the main website in English, read it all and send us an email at [email protected] with any remaining questions.
If you want to help us, please let us know. We would welcome any and all contribution from people knowledgeable and with a decent writing style. Or people that visited one of the mountains of Greece, came across one of the “dasika xoria” and want to write about it or send in pictures. We also accept volunteers, mainly in the summer months for path repairs and such work, if you are interested please email us.
We firmly believe that mountain villages are a unique way to enjoy the wonders of Greek mountains. Come and see for yourself!
(Or click here for more information on Tzoumerka area wildlife.)