Παραγωγική εργασία στο σπίτι

Δώστε προτεραιότητα στο μηχάνημα της δουλειάς σας. Με το νέο FRITZ!OS μπορείτε να βάλετε υπολογιστή ή άλλη συσκευή να προηγείται ως προς την ταχύτητα επικοινωνίας απευθείς από το Mesh Overview. Έτσι μπορείτε για παράδειγμα να έχετε πάντα καλή εικόνα σε βιντεοκλήσεις.
Αν χρησιμοποιείτε fax για επαγγελματικούς λόγους θα βρείτε το νέο fax journal ενσωματωμένο για άμεση πρόσβαση στα εισερχόμενα και εξερχόμενα. Και η διαδικασία setup για το εσωτερικό fax έχει απλοποιηθεί.
Εύκολη διαχείριση τηλεφωνημάτων

Η εναλλαγή μεταξύ προσωπικού και επαγγελματικού τηλεφώνου πρέπει να είναι αξιόπιστη και ξεκάθαρη. Εκτός από την βραβευμένη εφαρμογή στο κινητό (για κλήσεις από το σταθερό) μπορείτε τώρα ακόμα πιο εύκολα να ρυθμίσετε προώθηση κλήσεων ή μπλοκάρισμα αριθμών. Ή να έχετε πολλούς διαφορετικούς τηλεφωνικούς κατάλογους.
Απλός αλλά πανίσχυρος γονικός έλεγχος

Πιο εύκολο από ποτέ, μπορείτε να ορίσετε ώρες και μέρες πρόσβασης για να ελέγχετε που, πως και πότε θα μπαίνουν τα παιδιά.
Μπορείτε να τυπώσετε κωδικούς πρόσβασης για πολλαπλά χρονικά διαστήματα και να τα ελέγχετε όλα εύκολα από το FRITZ!Box ή το κινητό σας, όπου κι αν βρίσκεστε.
Νέα χαρακτηριστικά για το smart switch FRITZ!DECT 440

Αν θέλετε να κλείσετε τον τηλεφωνητή με το πάτημα ενός κουμπιού μπορείτε από το FRITZ!DECT 440. Εξίσου εύκολα μπορείτε να προσφέρετε στους καλεσμένους σας πρόσβαση στο WiFi σας, με ένα κλικ.
Χάρη στο νέο FRITZ!OS, το smart switch αυτό μπορεί να μετράει και να δείχνει όχι μόνο θερμοκρασία αλλά και υγρασία και να την δείχνει επιτόπου ή στο FRITZ!App Smart Home, σε οποιοδήποτε FRITZ!Fon ή στο FRITZ!Box.
Ακόμα καλύτερες ρυθμίσεις Wi-Fi

Ακόμα περισσότερες συσκευές στο δίκτυο και ακόμα μεγαλύτερες απαιτήσεις. Το FRITZ!OS 7.25 περιλαμβάνει πολλές βελτιώσεις για απλό ή Mesh Wi-Fi. (Στο τέλος του άρθρου όλες μαζί.)
Με ακόμα καλύτερο Wi-Fi auto channel selection το streaming, gaming, η τηλεργασία ή η τηλεκπαίδευση θα τρέχουν όλα ταυτόχρονα και σωστά.
Backup δεδομένων και για την εσωτερική αποθήκευση

Η εσωτερική μνήμη του FRITZ!Box ως τώρα ήταν για εικόνες, ήχους, ring tones ή ηχητικά μηνύματα. Τώρα είναι και για data backup.
Έτσι μπορείτε πανεύκολα να σώσετε όλες τις ρυθμίσεις του και να τις μεταφέρετε σε ένα άλλο FRITZ!Box.
Τα μοντέλα FRITZ!Box LTE κρατάνε αρχείο SMS log και στέλνουν SMS

Σημαντικά αναβαθμισμένες λειτουργίες σύντομων γραπτών μηνυμάτων (SMS) από τα μοντέλα FRITZ!Box LTE.
Εκτός όμως από δυνατότητα αποστολής SMS υπάρχει και καινούργια αναλυτική καταγραφή τους τόσο για εισερχόμενα όσο και για εξερχόμενα, ακόμα και για push service.
Αναβαθμίστε σήμερα!

Από το περιβάλλον εργασίας του FRITZ!Box (http://fritz.box), μπορείτε να βρείτε τη νέα έκδοση FRITZ!OS 7.25 (System > Update).
Αν δεν έχετε ήδη ενεργοποιημένη την αυτόματη αναβάθμιση auto-update function στο επίπεδο III για να γίνεται αμέσως, προτείνουμε να αλλάξετε την ρύθμιση αυτή. Έτσι θα είναι πάντα το καλύτερο router με τις νέες βελτιώσεις για μέγιστη ασφάλεια, ευκολία και επιδόσεις.
Το νέο FRITZ!OS σταδιακά θα είναι διαθέσιμο και για άλλα προϊόντα FRITZ!. Αυτή τη στιγμή το FRITZ!OS 7.25 είναι διαθέσιμο για τα εξής:
- FRITZ!Box 7590, 7580, 7530, 7520, 7490
- FRITZ!Box 6591, 6660, 6590, 6490 Cable
- FRITZ!Box 5530 Fiber
Πιο αναλυτικά μερικά πράγματα που μπήκαν με τη νέα έκδοση:
Release date: 02/25/2021 ------------------------------------------------------------ - Priority for working from home - Easy to enable prioritization of a computer for internet access - FRITZ!Fon displays weather forecast on the start screen (currently only available for germany) - FRITZ! Smart Home now supports DECT compatible roller shutters - Smart Home: Lightsequence "Wakeup/Sleep" for FRITZ!DECT 500 and compatible DECT LEDs - Smart Home: TOP - Perfect indoor climate with FRITZ!DECT 440 - humidity information at a glance - For FRITZ!Box's integrated fax machine: Log of received and sent faxes - Telefony: TOP - Many improvements to user interface for using the telephone book, call diversion and call blocks ------------------------------------------------------------ # New functions of FRITZ!OS 7.25 ## Internet: - **NEW** Prioritization of a home network device can now be enabled on the FRITZ!Box user interface ## Telephony: - **NEW** Fax function: Log for received and sent faxes - **NEW** Support for the "Telekom CompanyFlex" business telephony platform (SIP trunk and cloud PBX) ## DECT/FRITZ!Fon: - **NEW** New start screen with current weather information (currently only available for germany) ## Smarthome: - **NEW** FRITZ!DECT 440 measures humidity and allows its display with FRITZ!App Smart Home and FRITZ!Fon - **NEW** FRITZ!DECT 440 displays the QR code for simple connection with the Wi-Fi guest access - **NEW** Smart Home: Lightsequence "Wakeup/Sleep" for FRITZ!DECT 500 and compatible DECT LEDs - **NEW** Guest Access or answering machine can be switched on and off at the touch of a button on the FRITZ!DECT 440 - **NEW** Roller shutter control via FRITZ!DECT 440, FRITZ!Fon, and the FRITZ!Box user interface - **NEW** At the touch of a button on FRITZ!DECT 440 or 400, an internal phone rings and displays a message # Further Improvements of FRITZ!OS 7.25 ## Internet: - **Improved** Assignment to devices added to the access profile settings in the parental controls - **Improved** Device status (active/not active) is displayed in the selection of devices for port sharing - **Improved** Clearer display of port sharing overview on mobile devices - **Improved** Independent port sharing settings for a device are now permitted when the request was made over IPv6 for the IPv4 address of the device - and vice versa - **Improved** Event message when port 80 temporarily released for sharing in order to issue certificate for letsencrypt.org - **Improved** DNS over TLS (DoT) more robust - **Fixed** In certain scenarios, IP client operating mode could not be configured correctly via LAN with DHCP - **Fixed** Formatting errors occured in the configuration of IPv6 routes - **Fixed** Display corrected in the port sharing overview - **Fixed** After activating DNS over TLS (DoT) and longer run times, certain websites could no longer be resolved - **Fixed** After update of FRITZ!OS 7.03 or older, the IP address was not refreshed on MyFRITZ!Net (DynDNS) - **Fixed** Repeated dropping and reestablishment of VPN connections after automatic disconnection - **Fixed** IPv6: After the home network prefix was refreshed, invalid IPv6 addresses for guest access were not deleted - **Fixed** Changes to access profiles were sometimes rejected groundlessly with the error message "The list of blocked network applications with this ID already exists." - **Fixed** "PTR" type DNS queries were not always resolved correctly - **Fixed** IPv6: In IPv6 route advertisement (RA) with option 25 (Recursive DNS Server), sometimes bits from the "Reserved" field were set - **Fixed** After restoring factory settings, the first VPN connection configured no longer worked - **Fixed** After importing a configuration with an alternative LAN IPv4 network, the local DNS server remained in the old network after settings were adopted - **Fixed** The TR-064 parameter WANAccess was sometimes incorrect ("granted") when no WAN was available upon restart - **Fixed** "PTR" type DNS resolutions were not always possible - **Fixed** Sending of advanced support data did not trigger a push mail - **Fixed** When a saved configuration was adopted selectively, not all of the push mails originally configured were adopted - **Fixed** VPN connections via L2TP (e.g. in Windows 10) were unexpectedly slow - **Fixed** Device block had no effect in certain scenarios - **Fixed** When a FRITZ!Box was operated behind certain cable modems, brief interruptions of the internet connection occurred every 12 hours - **Fixed** In factory settings the first VPN connection could not be enabled for a single instance - **Fixed** Expanded failover protection with mobile dongles in modem mode did not work when using a non-functioning ADSL line - **Fixed** Expanded failover protection with mobile dongles and internet access via WAN/LAN 1 was not started under certain initial conditions present at the time of activation - **Fixed** Online Monitor for mobile communications did not always show data when "Advanced failover protection" was enabled ## DSL: - **Improved** Better stability and interoperability - **Improved** Better interoperability with Long Reach VDSL - **Improved** Improved supervectoring 35b on some remote sites ## Wireless: - **Improved** Reworked "Wi-Fi / Wi-Fi Channel" page - **Improved** Improved auto channel function after detection of interference sources (5-GHz band) - **Improved** Improved messages on Wi-Fi under "System / Event Log" - **Improved** Detection of multiple parallel WPS activations improved - **Improved** New message under "System / Event Log" when the maximum number of wireless repeaters is exceeded - **Improved** Naming of Wi-Fi guest access (SSID, preassigned) depends on selected language - **Change** In "Mesh Repeater" operating mode, only Wi-Fi networks with visible names are shown for selection of the Mesh Master - **Fixed** Erroneous display of bandwidth in connections with HUAWEI P30 corrected - **Fixed** After radar detection with reduced power mode (Green AP), initialization problems occurred in combination with 160 MHz bandwidth (VHT160) - **Fixed** After a FRITZ!OS update, the "Wi-Fi / Wi-Fi Channel" page did not show any Wi-Fi channels, and in some circumstances, no Wi-Fi networks in the environment - **Fixed** Activation of WPS immediately after the Mesh Master was started frequently led to non-DBDC uplinks to Mesh Repeaters - **Fixed** Incorrect message under "System / Event Log" for WPS during DFS wait time ## Mesh: - **Improved** Improved indications about adoption of settings enabled for a FRITZ!Box as Mesh Repeater - **Fixed** Incorrect formatting in the mobile view of the "Mesh Settings" page on a FRITZ!Box in "Mesh Repeater" mode - **Fixed** Settings for Wi-Fi schedule could not be changed under some circumstances, if the setting "FRITZ!Box as a Mesh Repeater" was used - **Fixed** For a FRITZ!Box configured as Mesh Master, but not as router (DHCP server), name and IP address of the router could not be changed - **Fixed** Display of Wi-Fi channel bandwidth in the user interface on the Mesh Master was sometimes different on the Mesh Repeater ## Smarthome: - **Improved** Smart Home: Improved - Template for fast changes to color settings and brightness on FRITZ!DECT 500 ## Telephony: - **Improved** Completely reworked settings pages for call diversion and call blocks - **Improved** First Configuration wizard offers configuration of a telephone - **Improved** Call diversions offer option to divert selected calls to a certain telephone on the FRITZ!Box - **Improved** Setting for using internal fax machine added to "Send faxes only" - **Improved** The "Email" and "RSS" tabs are hidden in the "Telephony / Telephony Devices" menu when DECT is switched off - **Improved** Display and management of entries in telephone books completely reworked (among others, photo visible in overview, columns can be selected for display, and selection of multiple entries added as well as copying and moving entries between telephone books) - **Improved** Settings for sending and receiving faxes combined under "Telephony / Telephony Devices" - **Improved** After all new received fax documents in the fax log have been opened, the "Info" LED stops flashing - **Improved** Integration of multiple CardDAV telephone books supported - **Improved** Better compatibility of the FRITZ!Box's SIP registrar to the SIP client LinPhone - **Improved** Better compatibility to telephone providers Easybell and VoIPfoneUK - **Improved** Enhanced compatibility for encrypted telephony - **Improved** For country setting "Germany" and telephone number configured automatically by provider, the area code included in the number is detected automatically and adopted in the line settings - **Improved** Voice quality better for telephone calls in mobile networks and for international calls - **Improved** Forwarding of calls accepted on Snom IP telephones supported without query - **Improved** Stability - **Change** Adjustment to the changed behavior of the T-Net-Box when calls are rejected, for instance due to call blocks - **Fixed** Web address of the CardDAV server could not be changed in online telephone books after entry - **Fixed** On a FRITZ!Box used as a Mesh Repeater for telephony, it was possible to edit the telephony numbers adopted from the Mesh Master and also to create new telephony numbers - **Fixed** Telekom SIP trunking account could not be disabled - **Fixed** In integrated iCloud contacts (Apple), first and last names were sometimes displayed in inconsistent order - **Fixed** During synchronization of entries in online contacts (CardDAV), in certain constellations all email addresses were deleted - **Fixed** Certain telephone numbers were temporarily not registered (among them Sipgate, EnviaTel, Teledate) - **Fixed** Connections dropped after about 30 seconds for telephony connections secured by TLSonly (among others, KPN) - **Fixed** In certain constellations, only one-way voice transmission was possible during telephony via IPv6 - **Fixed** Unsuitable presettings for telephony provider Vodafone Italy - **Fixed** Registration of telephone numbers was not possible with telephony profile for provider Vodafone Italia - **Fixed** Sporadic errors when faxing via T.38 connections - **Fixed** No hold announcement after resetting to factory settings - **Fixed** Pickup on IP telephones was possible for no longer than 4 seconds - **Fixed** After a fax was sent, the name of a recipient selected via the telephone book was not displayed in the call list - **Fixed** Editing of door intercom stations sometimes led to loss of email notification for door intercom stations - **Fixed** After importing answering machine settings including saved messages into another FRITZ!Box model, sometimes the imported messages could no longer be played back - **Fixed** Ring sequences incorrect for the country setting "Australia" - **Fixed** Sporadic loss of schedule settings for the answering machine after updating FRITZ!OS ## Home Network: - **Improved** Faster display of network connections in very large networks - **Improved** When leaving the device details a message concerning changed device names is displayed only if the name was actually changed - **Change** When an individual name is set for the FRITZ!Box, the name of the working group for home network sharing ("USB/Storage") remains unchanged - **Fixed** The section for blocking devices was displayed in the device details of guest devices even though this function is reserved for home network devices - **Fixed** Changed IP settings of the FRITZ!Box were not offered for printing - **Fixed** Time synchronization (NTP) was instable in certain scenarios ## USB: - **Improved** In fritz.nas, multiple files can be selected using the shift key - **Fixed** Home network sharing of a network drive (SMB) was not visible under Network in Windows Explorer - **Fixed** Data transmission via network drive function (SMB) failed with the Windows error message "STATUS_NO_MEMORY" - **Fixed** Online storage was not always reconnected after automatic DSL disconnection ## System: - **Improved** Configuration wizard can be interrupted and resumed - **Improved** Various usability improvements in the First Configuration wizard - **Improved** Status overview page within the first configuration - **Improved** Security query when leaving a page without saving changed settings - **Improved** Saving and restoring settings now includes telephony data from the internal storage of the FRITZ!Box (ring tones, telephone book pictures, voice messages) - **Improved** After support data have been sent to AVM, a second dispatch can be started immediately without any wait time - **Improved** A password can be made visible during entry (eye icon) in the user interface - **Improved** Corrected details in the "Diagnostics / Function" for Mesh and USB - **Change** Offer to switch to "Level III: Notify me about new versions of FRITZ!OS and install new versions automatically (recommended)" is now offered after updating only when "Level II: Notify me about new versions of FRITZ!OS and install necessary updates automatically" was previously configured - **Change** The option to log in to a FRITZ!Box (user interface) without a password, which was not recommended, is no longer supported *1 - **Change** If "only with the FRITZ!Box password" was set up for logging in to the user interface, a FRITZ!Box user with the name "fritz" and a random four-digit number together with the FRITZ!Box password will be created automatically. To log in to the user interface in the home network, entering the FRITZ!Box password is still sufficient. *2 - **Fixed** FRITZ!Box users could not be sorted in the overview - **Fixed** Access profiles with blocked applications in parental controls were not available when settings were restored - **Fixed** Number of messages in "System / Event Log" was too restricted in some areas - **Fixed** Display of installation date for the last update was incorrect in certain scenarios ## Mobile Communications: - **Improved** New "Compatibility mode for mobile broadband dongles" option for generic integration of variants of known mobile broadband dongles - **Improved** Country-specific list of mobile network providers when FRITZ!Box used with a USB mobile network dongle - **Improved** Optimized details for "Advanced failover protection" setting - **Improved** Mobile network provider "Magenta Mobil" added for Austria - **Improved** Support for Huawei E3372h-320 USB mobile network dongle *1. The home network login mode without a password, which is not recommended, is no longer supported. For the initial access to the user interface after the FRITZ!OS update, the user needs to assign a FRITZ!Box password (additional confirmation required) *2. Automatic generation of a user according to the naming structure fritz and a random four-digit number if login before the update took place only with the FRITZ!Box password. Important information for developers of apps that would like to register with FRITZ!Box can be found at avm.de/service/schnittstellen # New functions of FRITZ!OS 7.20 ## Internet: - **NEW** With parental controls enabled, settings and ticket entry for the device to be accessed are displayed when the user interface is opened - **NEW** Support for encrypted resolution from domain names to IP addresses (DNS over TLS) - **NEW** Simplified configuration of internet connection on 1&1 lines (zero-touch) ## DSL: - **NEW** Support for VDSL Long Reach ## Wireless: - **NEW** Encryption according to the new WPA3 standard (including Wi-Fi guest access, connections to Mesh Repeaters and internet access via Wi-Fi with SAE) - **NEW** An open Wi-Fi network can be offered at the Wi-Fi guest access, in which only data are transmitted in encrypted form (Enhanced Open/Opportunistic Wireless Encryption, OWE) - **NEW** 160-MHz channel bandwidth is now always active in the 5-GHz band, providing for very high transmission rates with compatible wireless devices - **NEW** "Zero Wait DFS" (no waiting times for radar events) also possible for 160 MHz bandwidth (5-GHz band) ## Mesh: - **NEW** Mesh auto-channel: Accounts for the wireless environment of the Mesh Repeater in selecting the best Wi-Fi channel for the entire Mesh ## Telephony: - **NEW** Support for online contacts from Apple (iCloud), Telekom Mail, and CardDAV providers - **NEW** Support for encrypted telephony (TLS and SRTP) for Deutsche Telekom, Easybell and dus.net ## DECT/FRITZ!Fon: - **NEW** Nine new ring tones to choose from - **NEW** Smart telephone book displays matching suggestions even during number entry - **NEW** Sound settings for playing back web radio stations and to improve the speech quality of telephone calls - **NEW** Start screen to display the temperature of a compatible Smart Home device in the home network (for instance, FRITZ!DECT 200, FRITZ!DECT 30x, FRITZ!DECT 440) ## Home Network: - **NEW** Network passwords for the powerline network can now be changed on FRITZ!Powerline devices connected directly (via LAN) ## Smart Home: - **NEW** Smart Home: NEW - Reworked Smart Home pages on the FRITZ!Box user interface - **NEW** Smart Home: NEW - Synchronization of the temperature setting, the boost mode and open window detection within a group of radiator controls - **NEW** Smart Home: NEW - Display of total consumption (kWh) of the past two years for the smart plugs FRITZ!DECT 200 and 210 - **NEW** Smart Home: NEW - The "Adaptive Heating" feature of the FRITZ!DECT 301 makes the configured temperature available at the desired time - **NEW** Smart Home: NEW - Supports the FRITZ!DECT 500 LED light - **NEW** Smart Home: NEW - Supports the four-button switch FRITZ!DECT 440 - **NEW** Smart Home: NEW - Supports the DECT ULE/HAN FUN roller blinds profile ## USB: - **NEW** The SMBv3/v2 protocol of the Windows network drive function is supported by default; optionally, SMBv1 can still be supported - **NEW** Media contents like images, music and videos are indexed automatically with "Refresh index automatically" and made available to the home network ## System: - **NEW** Time period for automatic updates can be defined - **NEW** NEW - Users supported in becoming acquainted with FRITZ!Box functions with welcome page - **NEW** Display of the user interface in English, French, German, Italian, Polish or Spanish - **NEW** Setting of language, country and time zone for FRITZ!Box operation ## Mobile Communications: - **NEW** Expanded failover protection to automatically switch to an internet connection using the mobile broadband modem when the internet connection via the DSL or WAN connection fails ## Repeater: - **NEW** Support for encryption according to the WPA3 standard (SAE) - **NEW** Optimization of repeater connection with a FRITZ!Box with support for Wi-Fi channels 160 MHz wide # Further Improvements of FRITZ!OS 07.21 ## Internet: - **Fixed** Bidirectional data transfer was too low between DSL and Wi-Fi ## Wireless: - **Improved** Better stability - **Fixed** Info sheet (for printout) with account information for Wi-Fi guest access corrected - **Fixed** In "Mesh Repeater" operating mode, the connection to the Mesh Master via 5 GHz was lost sporadically ## System: - **Change** "The strength of a newly assigned password must be rated at least "medium" # Further Improvements of FRITZ!OS 07.20 ## Internet: - **Improved** Message upon failed ticket entry (parental controls) - **Improved** Display and modification of the IPv6 Interface ID under "Home Network / Network / Network Connections" - **Improved** Any domain name can be used to address a VPN remote peer, not just MyFRITZ! domain names - **Improved** NetBIOS permission can be configured individually for a single VPN connection - **Improved** Ticket for parental controls can be entered before start of online block, so that usage time can be extended without interruption - **Improved** Additional links from the user interface in the online help for IPv4 and IPv6 routes under "Network Connections" - **Improved** Optimized display of the DSL/Fiber information in the user interface - **Improved** IPv6 prefix delegations and IPv6 subnets are displayed under "Home Network / Network / Network Settings" - **Improved** IP address range for guest network increased to up to 253 devices - **Improved** Incorrect configuration by using the same network address on both sides of a LAN-LAN linkup for VPN prevented - **Improved** Access to the myfritz.net domain for a downstream FRITZ!Box registered with MyFRITZ! allowed from the home network - **Improved** Greatly improved performance for VPN - **Improved** In the context of encrypted name resolution (DNS over TLS, DoT), SNI (Server Name Indication) is supported - **Improved** Support for multiple DNS queries over a single TCP connection - **Change** Unnecessary settings option for connection speed removed from "IP Client" mode - **Change** Button for changing the access profiles under the Parental Controls Overview in the user interface - **Change** First configuration simplified by removing the double query about DSL or WAN connection - **Change** Kabel BW and Unitymedia removed from provider list - **Change** "Emule" protocol removed from selection for port sharing - **Change** IP compression (data compression) is no longer supported in VPN connections - **Fixed** Option for "PPPoE Passthrough" missing under "other providers" - **Fixed** "Diagnostics / Function" showed wrong error message for MyFRITZ! registration for FRITZ!Boxes in IP client mode - **Fixed** Defective links behind "MyFRITZ!" under "Diagnostics / Security" - **Fixed** VPN connection name was not displayed in network connections and Mesh Overview - **Fixed** In the VPN overview table "local network" was missing and "remote network" left empty - **Fixed** Devices that are connected to a downstream router via IPv6 prefix delegation received no IPv6 internet connection when parental controls were enabled - **Fixed** Devices that are connected to a downstream router via IPv4 static routes received no IPv4 internet connection when parental controls were enabled - **Fixed** Port sharing for different devices with the same name could not be created - **Fixed** Adaptations of DSL line speed were no longer accounted for after restart - **Fixed** Occasional restarts of FRITZ!Box during many parallel FTP transmissions over WAN - **Fixed** Problems with umlauts in the parental control filter lists - **Fixed** Guest network lock in the parental controls did not lock reliably - **Fixed** No automatic Wake on LAN (WoL) via VPN - **Fixed** Prioritization settings for devices with the "Everything except surfing and mail" access profile were no longer applied after rebooting ## DSL: - **Improved** Interoperability for supervectoring 35b - **Change** Resdesigned display of the "DSL Information" in the user interface ## Wireless: - **Improved** Redesigned the print output of information on the wireless guest access - **Improved** "WPA3" option added to the encryption of the FRITZ!Box in "Mesh Repeater" operating mode - **Change** Reworked information page (for instance, after changes to Wi-Fi configuration) - **Change** WPS/PIN method removed - **Change** Outdated WPA/TKIP encryption removed - **Fixed** "Wireless / Guest access": Duration for disabling automatically could not be changed - **Fixed** Sorting by MAC addresses in "Wi-Fi / Wi-Fi Network / Security" did not work - **Fixed** "Delete" button for devices was displayed even if the device could not actually be deleted - **Fixed** PMF option no longer offered for "WPA/TKIP" encryption selection - **Fixed** Detection of interference did not work under certain rare circumstances - **Fixed** Time stamp "Wireless LAN channels used" corrected (5-GHz band) - **Fixed** Incorrect entry no longer appears in the "Event Log" when individual wireless bands were enabled or disabled manually on a FRITZ!Repeater 3000 ## Mesh: - **Improved** Rendering of DHCP host name, media server name and SMB name on Mesh Repeaters improved - **Improved** Improved text for configuration of a FRITZ!Box as a Mesh Repeater - **Improved** Better detection of terminal devices that cannot be rerouted via Mesh steering - **Improved** Notification in FRITZ!Box log when a network loop is created (for instance, simultaneous LAN and wireless connection to the same device) - **Improved** Notification in FRITZ!Box log when a network loop is created (for instance, simultaneous LAN and wireless connection to the same device) - **Change** On a FRITZ!Box configured as a Mesh Repeater, the option for adopting the settings in the Mesh is offered only after Mesh was enabled on this FRITZ!Box - **Fixed** Display of FRITZ!Powerline 520/530E in the Mesh connection diagram was not correct - **Fixed** In certain cases a FRITZ!Repeater was displayed twice in the "Mesh Overview" of the FRITZ!Box - **Fixed** When telephony in the Mesh is used, telephony registration of a FRITZ!Box used as a Mesh Repeater was sometimes prevented by the Mesh Master - **Fixed** For wireless guest access the steering characteristics (11k/v) of wireless devices were not taken into account correctly (Google Pixel 2 and SAMSUNG S10) ## Telephony: - **Improved** Calls from door intercoms (including images) added to "Calls" push mail - **Improved** "Always register via an internet connection" option added for SIP trunk providers - **Improved** More detailed messages for security-relevant changes to settings - **Improved** New telephony providers added for the country setting "Italy": TIM, Fastweb, Vodafone and others - **Improved** Telephony providers O2, PYUR and multiple SIP trunk providers added - **Improved** Telephone numbers can be assigned to multiple answering machines, so that up to ten different greetings can be scheduled to play on one telephone number - **Improved** For operation of ISDN devices, advanced settings are offered under "Telephony Device" in the user interface - **Improved** The call list in the user interface offers a separate view for rejected calls - **Improved** For company lines (SIP trunk and SIP DDI lines), a settings offered to support setting any telephone numbers desired (CLIP no screening) - **Improved** Integrated fax function supports sending up to ten pages of text - **Improved** If a storage location is set in the fax function of the FRITZ!Box, sent faxes will be stored there along with received faxes - **Improved** New methods for call diversion to external destinations supported for certain telephony providers (302 - Moved temporarily) - **Improved** Automatic configuration of telephone numbers for provider Telekom adapted to the latest network demands - **Improved** Increased robustness of telephony against partial failure of network infrastructures when TCP internet protocol in use - **Improved** Better interoperability with Swiss provider sipcall - **Improved** Maximum length for hold announcement of answering machine increased from 8 to 30 seconds - **Improved** Transfer/Forwarding of calls supported (without a query) on IP telephones to other telephones connected with the FRITZ!Box - **Change** New missed calls are no longer displayed with a flashing "Info" LED on the FRITZ!Box - **Change** New fax and email messages for answering machine services (like the Telekom SprachBox) are no longer displayed with a flashing "Fon" LED on the FRITZ!Box - **Fixed** Under the "SIP trunking" selection, telephone numbers could not be created for providers that could be selected for another telephony provider using the same registrar - **Fixed** Under the "Other Provider" selection, telephone numbers could not be created for providers that could be selected for another telephony provider using the same registrar - **Fixed** Automatic fax recognition for the telephone numbers of the analog landline could not be set up - **Fixed** Changes to the settings for the proxy server and STUN server were not adapted in the telephone numbers - **Fixed** When the fax function was started in the user interface, only an empty page was displayed if there was an entry without a telephone number in the telephone book - **Fixed** Telephone numbers set to "Only via IPv6" could not be switched to use IPv4 without an IPv6 internet connection - **Fixed** When preparing a fax in the integrated fax machine for sending, the contents in the "To" field were deleted after selecting a telephone book entry and switching to another input field - **Fixed** For IP door intercom systems with multiple doorbells, sometime the desired ring tone was not used - **Fixed** When listening to messages on the integrated answering machine with an ISDN telephone, the key shortcut for callback did not work - **Fixed** No internet connection with LTE mobile communications dongles from Huawei when using a rate without LTE support ## DECT/FRITZ!Fon: - **Improved** Telephone book display for FRITZ!Fon C4, C5 and C6 now faster - **Improved** Setting up call blocking in the handset is now easier - **Improved** Display of FRITZ!Box events with "OK" button in the "FRITZ!Box" start screen - **Improved** Pictures can also be browsed with up/down rocker ## Home Network: - **Improved** "Mesh" added to properties in the network connection overview - **Improved** Mesh icon shifted in the Mesh table from the "Connections" column to the "Properties" column - **Improved** Reliable display of new AVM Powerline products in the FRITZ!Box home network - **Improved** More reliable indication of low powerline data rates in the FRITZ!Box home network - **Change** "Smart Home" menu moved to top menu level and "DECT" menu moved to the telephony menu ## Smart Home: - **Improved** Fiber: Improved - Optimized display of the "Fiber Information" in the user interface - **Change** Smart Home: Change - Display of low battery level on Smart Home devices now only on the FRITZ!Box user interface, by push service, and on connected FRITZ!Fon devices - **Fixed** Smart Home: Fixed - Wrong target temperature when accessing the FRITZ!Box via MyFRITZ! - **Fixed** Smart Home: Fixed - Template for radiator control did not work if heating was off during 01/01 until 31/12 ## USB: - **Improved** When creating new release links on fritz.nas, the user is informed if the FRITZ!Box is not accessible from the internet - **Improved** The "USB Devices" and "Storage (NAS)" pages on the user interface were integrated into "USB/Storage" and simplified - **Change** "USB Devices" and "Storage (NAS)" menus combined under "Home Network / USB/Storage" - **Fixed** A folder released for sharing was not rendered legibly under "Sharing" - **Fixed** When uploading a file to fritz.nas by Drag & Drop, each file was uploaded twice - **Fixed** The time information "Changed On" was given incorrectly on fritz.nas if the language was not set to German in the FRITZ!Box ## System: - **Improved** Device name displayed the same everywhere in the Mesh - **Improved** "FRITZ!Box Info" push service now includes an option for information on the "Home network" - **Improved** New menu icons for "Overview" and "Smart Home" - **Improved** "Reset" function in details of network devices for deleting all settings for this device - **Improved** Diagnostics check expanded to include "Mesh", "Internet", "DECT" and "Wi-Fi" - **Improved** FRITZ!Box support page now includes option to send support data directly to AVM - **Improved** Separate restoration of settings for the Smart Home and Telephony areas - **Improved** Modernized display of "LEDs" and other symbols throughout the user interface - **Improved** Upon the first restart after the update, activation of automatic updates is offered (auto-update level III) - **Improved** Warning on the FRITZ!Box Overview on selected settings that are not recommended - **Improved** Page structure simplified in many areas of the user interface to improve usability - **Improved** Reworked concept for navigation in the wizard for first configuration - **Improved** Overview of authorized apps in the "System / FRITZ!Box Users" area now also includes rights and time of last login - **Improved** Update information is included in event log (visible only with the next update) - **Improved** Update process optimized for automatic updates (silent update, task 60018) - **Change** WAN port can be switched as 5th LAN interface if this is not needed as a WAN connection to the internet provider - **Change** In the factory settings, the WAN port always works as a WAN interface (an existing setting as 5th LAN interface for this connection is not changed by the update) - **Change** Update setting upon delivery is now auto update level III (updates are installed automatically) - **Change** User with the name "ftpuser-internet" is deleted ## Mobile Communications: - **Fixed** Detail corrections to settings and status information when using mobile dongles - **Fixed** Not all of the settings for the SMS message push service could be changed - **Fixed** Received SMS messages were sometimes rendered with only partial text or with an incorrect time stamp in the push service and in "System / Event Log" ## Security: - **Improved** More detailed message about security-relevant changes under "System / Event Log" - **Improved** Display of the ports that can be reached from the home network under "Diagnostics / Security" - **Change** Waiting for the additional confirmation of a change is indicated by the flashing of all LEDs ------------------------------------------------------------ # Additional improvements in FRITZ!OS 07.13 ## DSL: - usage of DSL Version from FRITZ!OS 07.00 for country Switzerland ## Internet: - added KPN as internet provider for country Netherlands ## Telephony: - added KPN as telephony provider for country Netherlands --- # Additional improvements in FRITZ!OS 07.12 ## DSL: - **Improved** Certain information adapted on DSL pages - **Improved** 35b interoperability to certain Broadcom remote sites improved ## Internet: - **Fixed** Sporadic change of shared ports in rare cases - **Improved** Increased stability ## WLAN: - **Fixed** Time display for scan of wireless environment (5-GHz band) corrected ## Mesh: - **Fixed** Mesh WiFi steering for devices on the wireless guest access improved - **Improved** Stablity ## Telefonie: - **Fixed** Playback of voice messages on myfritz.box failed in iOS and macOS - **Fixed** Possible crash during use of call diversions - **Fixed** ISDN data calls no longer worked with FRITZ!OS 7.10/7.11 ## DECT/FRITZ!FON: - **Fixed** PIN query came despite disabled PIN ## Home network: - **Fixed** Powerline information of a FRITZ!Powerline device connected with the FRITZ!Box via LAN were missing in the "Device Details" area ## System: - **Improved** Stability - **Improved** Browser compatibility optimized for saving table renderings locally - **Fixed** Push Service could not be disabled - **Fixed** Push Service for saving settings deleted the sender settings - **Fixed** During assignment of VPN rights for the current user, under certain circumstances this user's other rights were removed - **Fixed** Update in progress on FRITZ!Repeaters was displayed for too long in the "Mesh Overview" ------------------------------------------------------------ # New Features in FRITZ!OS 7.10 ## DSL: - **NEW** A DSL data rate considerably higher than the speed of the internet connection given by the provider can now be reduced to a lower value in order to improve stability ## Mesh: - **NEW** Mesh WiFi steering can automatically direct devices (smartphones or computers, for instance) to the best Mesh WiFi Repeater (access point steering) - **NEW** The FRITZ!DECT 400 Smart Home switch can be used on every FRITZ!Box in the Mesh - **NEW** All FRITZ!Boxes in the Mesh now have a shared telephone book at their disposal ## Telephony: -**NEW** Support for SIP trunking from Deutsche Telekom, dus.net, easybell, envia Tel and EWE/swb/osnatel ## DECT: - **NEW** Support for DECT door intercom systems (manufactured by Teleg\E4rtner) ## DECT/FRITZ!Fon: - **NEW** Very easy to offer wireless guest access: Display the account data or initiate WPS on the handset - **NEW** Block incoming telephone calls directly from the handset call lists - **NEW** Fast accessibility to Smart Home devices as favorites - **NEW** Configure and delete call diversion settings directly from the handset menu ## Home network - ** NEW** Graphic display of home network connections when editing the connection of a network device ## Smart Home: - **NEW** For the FRITZ!DECT 400 Smart Home switch, pressing a button longer can trigger a second switching action - **NEW** Now a "Template" option is available as an additional switching option for FRITZ!DECT 400 ## System: - **NEW** FRITZ!Box sends information on certain events to the email address of your MyFRITZ! account - **NEW** All LEDs on the device can now be switched off in the user interface - **NEW** Display of the available updates for the FRITZ! products connected in the home network on the Overview page ## Mobile network: - **NEW** Higher data rates possible through support for the Mobile Broadband Interface Model (MBIM) (for instance, W1208 from 4G Systems) - **NEW** Push Service for sending received text messages ------------------------------------------------------------ With each FRITZ!OS update, AVM also updates its security functions. Therefore we recommend performing the update for all devices. ------------------------------------------------------------ # Additional improvements in FRITZ!OS 07.10 ## DSL: - **Improved** Approximate line length displayed in the DSL Overview - **Change** For VDSL vectoring connections, manufacturer of the DSL central exchange (DSLAM) named in the user interface ## Internet: - **Improved** Now domain names can be specified for VPN connections that are resolved via the tunnel - **Improved** For VPN connections, the remote network is displayed in the network even after the connection has been cleared - **Improved** Now any names can be specified for VPN connections - **Improved** A VPN connection can now transfer the entire network traffic (VPN full tunneling, default route via VPN tunnel) - **Improved** Better VPN connection negotiation - **Improved** VPN LAN-LAN linkup of a FRITZ!Box on a DS Lite connection possible to IPv4 remote sites - **Improved** Various changes for importing a VPN settings file - **Improved** More devices possible in the guest access (and wireless hot spot): assigned IP addresses now reserved for only 6 hours (DHCP lease time, configurable) - **Improved** FRITZ!Box no longer repeats an attempt to register with MyFRITZ! if the confirmation link sent by email was not clicked - **Change** For Vodafone, also consideration of first configuration on fiber optic connections - **Change** For activation of internet access to the FRITZ!Box via HTTPS, TCP number selected randomly - **Change** Transfer rate of the internet connection on the WAN port entered in Mbit/s instead of Kbit/s - **Change** For connections from Telekom, "Zuhause Start" connections now called "MagentaZuhause Regio Tarif" - **Fixed** "Standard" and "Guest" access profiles, configurable under Filters, contained a budget setting that was not supported - **Fixed** Settings from the window for VPN settings could not be copied - **Fixed** Under port sharing it was not possible to enter the IPv6 interface ID 0:0:0:0:* - **Fixed** Switch of type of connection from IP client to internet router generated illegal IP settings - **Fixed** Releasing a port on a dual-stack connection (IPv4 and IPv6) for sharing with a device configured only for IPv4 sometimes failed - **Fixed** Internet connection failed after switching internet provider via mobile network to existing connection via wireless LAN . **Fixed** In rare cases a device in the wireless guest access via a repeater was not assigned an IP address - **Fixed** Misleading message \FApon disabling internet access to the FRITZ!Box via HTTPS - **Fixed** Port sharing for destination IP addresses in the form 192.168.*.127 was not possible - **Fixed** Port sharing for IPv6 could not be enabled for internet connections with a prefix length /64 - **Fixed** VPN LAN-LAN linkup to fixed IP addresses did not work (IKE error 0x2005) - **Fixed** Additional characters transmitted during download of the FRITZ!Box certificate under FRITZ!Box services - **Fixed** Registration with MyFRITZ! could be instable when upper-case letters were used in the email address of the MyFRITZ! account - **Fixed** With IPv6 and FRITZ!Box users without the right to access from the internet, access from the home network via FTP to storage (NAS) shared in the home network could fail - **Fixed** Guest network block was not applied in individual access profiles configured in parental controls ## Wireless: - **Improved** The wireless radio network table of known wireless devices was reworked - **Improved** For devices that support the wireless protocols 802.11v/k (smartphones or computers, for instance), improved automatic steering into the 2.4-GHz or 5-GHz band (band steering) - **Change** For wireless devices in the radio network, the property 802.11k displayed only when the scope of performance is sufficient (beacon report) - **Change** New report in event log on problems with "protected logins from wireless devices (PMF)" - **Change** The radio channel settings option for automatic steering of wireless devices now also offers Mesh WiFi steering - **Fixed** "Wireless LAN coexistence" option now works reliably again (2.4 GHz) - **Fixed** When one wireless frequency band is switched off, the radio network of the other frequency band is no longer interrupted - **Fixed** Line breaks on the captive portal for the wireless guest access were not saved - **Fixed** Wireless LAN settings (channel, wireless standard, etc.) no longer selectable when disabled - **Fixed** On the "Wireless / Radio Network" page, wireless devices that are not connected are no longer listed in the table only with a marking for the 2.4-GHz band ## Mesh: - **Improved** Display of important notifications for secure, reliable operation on all FRITZ!OS products in the Mesh (with red "Info"' LED and on start page) - **Improved** Smart Home templates can now be used on every FRITZ!Box in the Mesh This allows actions like "Everything off" to be applied to all FRITZ!Boxes in the Mesh - **Improved** Information on Mesh proved in the FRITZ!Box push service mail - **Improved** New message in event log on wireless devices that were reregistered because of Mesh steering - **Improved** Notice on Mesh Overview about FRITZ!Repeaters or FRITZ!Powerline devices that can still be integrated into the Mesh - **Improved** Home network access of the FRITZ!Repeater 3000 optimized for performance in wireless bridge mode - **Improved** The name assigned to a Mesh Repeater in the Mesh or Network Overview is applied as its "Repeater name". The user interface of the Mesh Repeater can then be accessed with http://assigned_name - **Change** Mesh designation of the Powerline devices without wireless function that participate in the Mesh - **Change** Device names of FRITZ!OS devices in the Mesh are adopted from the Mesh Master as push service sender names - ** Change** During configuration of telephony in the Mesh, the "landline enabled" setting on the Mesh Repeater is switched off - **Fixed** Distribution of wireless LAN settings in the Mesh erroneous in rare situations - **Fixed** The battery status of Smart Home devices was occasionally displayed incorrectly on the user interface of a Mesh Repeater - **Fixed** If a FRITZ!Box configured as a Mesh Repeater was removed from telephony, this change was not applied until the Mesh Master restarted - **Fixed** Telephony messages (Message Waiting Indication, MWI) were not passed on to the Mesh Repeater with the right dialed telephone number ## Telephony: - **Fixed** Type of an existing call diversion could not be changed from the initial setting - **Fixed** In isolated cases, conversations were incorrectly negotiated with voice compression - **Fixed** Telephony messages (Message Waiting Indication, MWI, RFC 3842) were switched off when adding/editing internet telephone numbers - **Fixed** Error in display of contact groups from Google contacts when their names contained "&" - **Fixed** While copying an existing telephone book the setting for "important person" was not adopted ## DECT/FRITZ!Fon: - **Improved** Titles from the media player played on the handset can now be fast forwarded and rewound - **Improved** https supported even for live images, for instance for images from a door intercom system - **Improved** Playback compatibility of https web radio and podcast streams - **Improved** Faster zapping between radio stations - **Fixed** Occasional rhythmic sound disruptions when playing web radio ## Home network - **Improved** Change to radio network name now optional when setting the FRITZ!Box name - **Change** Podcasts preset for the media server updated. Also applies to FRITZ!Fon - **Fixed** Failure to set up a home network connection for certain interfaces in the MyFRITZ!App - **Fixed** Problem with DNS resolution of local home network devices when using DHCP without host name - **Fixed** In some rare cases it was not possible to set LAN ports to 100 Mbit/s (Green mode) ## Smart Home: - **Improved** Better illustrations of temperature profile in push service (email) - **Change** Updated the AHA-HTTP-APU programming interface. https://www.avm.de/schnittstellen - **Fixed** In rare cases the sunrise/sunset function did not work reliably - **Fixed** Error when setting the temperature for a group ## Storage/NAS: - **Improved** Optimized treatment of NTFS-formatted storage media - **Fixed** In some cases new files were indexed incompletely or not at all ## System: - **Improved** User interface permanently saves the desired sorting of a table by column - **Improved** Dual-band wireless devices were displayed in the overview only with 2.4 GHz - **Change** Push service sends important messages from the FRITZ!Box only to the recipient of the FRITZ!Box Info mail - **Change** The FRITZ!Box user ftpuser is no longer created ex works (or after restoring the factory settings). One FRITZ!Box user must be created for sharing of storage media (NAS) in the home network - **Change** Updated the TR-064 programming interface. See http://www.avm.de/schnittstellen - **Fixed** Update with FRITZ!OS file could fail with an IPv6 connection to the FRITZ!Box - **Fixed** No import of settings possible when "Magenta Cloud" was enabled ## Mobile network: - **Change** Huawei 3372 mobile communications dongle switched from USB tethering to interne connection via mobile network. The mobile network PIN and provider must be entered once under "Internet / Mobile Network" ## Security - **Change** Support of outdated TLS 1.0 standard to secure FRITZ!OS services in the server role switched off - **Change** Length of DH parameter extended to 2048 bit for FRITZ!OS services in the server role --- # New Features in FRITZ!OS 7.00 ##Internet: - **NEW** register for regular status updates for your FRITZ!Box (MyFRITZ! report) - **NEW** MyFRITZ! internet access to the FRITZ!Box without a warning from the browser (SSL certificate from Let's Encrypt) ##Telephony: - **NEW** The FRITZ!Box configured as Mesh Master transfers your telephone numbers to an additional FRITZ!Box as a Mesh Repeater. - **NEW** Scheduling function for call diversion - **NEW** Telephone numbers can be blocked or added to your contacts directly from the call list - **NEW** Support for Deutsche Telekom SIP Trunking (DeutschlandLAN SIP Trunk / SIP Trunk Pooling) ##DECT: - **NEW** FRITZ!Fon phone number display shows region and country area codes - **NEW** Now five different ring tones of your own can be selected for FRITZ!Fon - **NEW** FRITZ!Fon start screen event log: received faxes are displayed - **NEW** FRITZ!Fon Smart Home start screen now scrollable to display more Smart Home devices - **NEW** Expanded registration mode for (re-)registration of all devices known to the FRITZ!Box, for instance, after switching to a new FRITZ!Box - **NEW** FRITZ!Box supports software updates for compatible handsets from other manufacturers (CAT-iq SUOTA) - **NEW** FRITZ!Fon supports updates for FRITZ!Box (can also be protected with a PIN) - **NEW** Separate volume controls for the alarm sound - **NEW** FRITZ!Fon media player: save and load playlists as .xsfp files via FRITZ!NAS - **NEW ** Jump to next/last title when playing podcasts on your FRITZ!Fon - **NEW** Support for Speedphone 11 from Deutsche Telekom ##Home network: - **NEW** User interface with new Home Network -> "Mesh" menu for all settings concerning Mesh - **NEW** Mesh Home Network Overview also shows telephone and Smart Home connections complete with topology and connection quality - **NEW** In the ex works settings, a second FRITZ!Box connected via Ethernet becomes a Mesh repeater at the push of a button (WPS) - **NEW** Switch for IP client or router operation in the network settings area - **NEW** Switch for the function of the FRITZ!Box in the home network (Mesh operating mode) as Mesh Master or Mesh Repeater in the Home Network>Mesh>Mesh Settings and WLAN areas - **NEW** Mesh events added to the event messages - **NEW** The settings for push services, auto updates and AVM services are applied to the entire Mesh WiFi More information on the new features for Mesh is presented at "New features for Mesh" More information on configuration and using Mesh is presented at en.avm.de/mesh-faq ##Wireless: - ** NEW** With a "FRITZ! Hotspot it's easier than ever to give guests WiFi access in public places such as bars, restaurants, doctor's practices etc. For details, see Wireless / Guest Access. - **NEW** Improved wireless security through support of activated Protected Management Frames (PMF) - **NEW** Support for 160 MHz bandwidth - **IMPROVED** No more DFS waiting times (RADAR) on the 5-GHz band through the new "Zero Wait DFS" feature (7590, 7580, 6590) ##Smart Home: - **NEW** Support for DECT ULE/HAN FUN ------------------------------------------------------------ With each FRITZ!OS update, AVM also updates its security functions. Therefore we recommend performing the update for all devices. ------------------------------------------------------------ # Additional improvements in FRITZ!OS 7.01 ##DSL: - **Fixed** Datarates shown at different places in the user interface have not always been identical - **Fixed** possible interop problem when using G.INP and SRA on ADSL lines ##Internet: - **Fixed** Online-Monitor was not showing downloads from Wifi-Guest devices correctly - **Fixed** On the MyFRITZ!-page of the FRITZ!Box (myfritz.box) changing the user-mail-adress was offered, even if no user was logged in - **Fixed** wrong display on DSL-Settings after recovering of Powerline-settings - **Fixed** Importing vpn settings failed in certain scenarios - **Fixed** Creating a vpn-user with NAS-rights required double confirmation - **Changed** global filter settings now include Windows proxy detection ##Home network: - **Improved** added unique name to FRITZ!Box in Mesh Repeater mode - **Fixed** wrong display of Mesh-Overview in Edge browser ##Smart Home: - **Fixed** Smart home devices did not show on a Mesh Repeater's user interface ##System: - **Fixed** Google authenticator: setup did not work with space in name - **Fixed** Diagnostic - Security page did not show when language was set to english - **Fixed** Missing entries in diagnostic page when using UTML-fallback - **Fixed** missing error message when Smart home device with empty battery detected ##Telephony: - **Fixed** new voice messages could not be played on myfritz.box when using iOS or macOS - **Fixed** when setting up call forwaring the wrong options were greyed out - **Fixed** when setting up a new telephone number going back was impossible after failed test - **Fixed** setting up new sip numbers was not possible when country was set to Italy - **Fixed** it was impossible to edit an existing SIP number - **Fixed** some IP phones could not register after update to FRITZ!OS 7 ('422 Session Intervall too Small') ##WIFI: - **Improved** Connection of Wifi-repeater with activated protected management frames (PMF) - **Improved** Stability - **Fixed** When changing operation mode to "repeater" the Wifi LED would continiously flash - **Fixed** removed "inspecting chanel" in description of 2.4Ghz Wifi monitor graphic (Zero Wait-DFS only exists on 5 Ghz) - **Fixed** problem when changing WLAN-coexistence setting in Mesh repeater mode - **Fixed** wrong access type was shown when in Mesh repeater mode - **Fixed** possible problems when reenabeling 2.4Ghz radio - **Fixed** in some cases the connection would break, when chaning encrypten in bridge mode - **Fixed** after updating to FRITZ!OS 7.00 auto-channel was reactived in some cases - **Fixed** System - Eventlog did some times show wrong data rate - **Fixed** guest access did not work on Mesh repeater after Wifi was restarted on the mesh master ##USB/NAS: - **Fixed** when playing media via the FRITZ!NAS media player, playback stopped after 20 minutes - **Fixed** missing error message when trying to play incompatible media file - **Fixed** in mobile view it was impossible to change or delete shares ##USB/UMTS: - **Fixed** wrong DSL status display in fallback mode - **Fixed** connection status was wrong with activated tethering ##Powerline: - **Fixed** wrong presentation while detecting and optimizing powerline interference with VDSL ------------------------------------------------------------ # Additional improvements in FRITZ!OS 7.00 ## Powerline: - **IMPROVED** Option for checking and, if necessary, remedying detected interference from powerline to VDLS ## DSL - **IMPROVED** Improvements for supervectoring (35b) ## Internet - **IMPROVED** Display of internet connections on the Overview page also includes WAN connections - **IMPROVED** Simplified display for internet connections on the Overview page under Connections - **IMPROVED** Function for removing the FRITZ!Box from the MyFRITZ! account (myfritz.net) - **IMPROVED** Optimizations for data throughput - **IMPROVED** Optimizations for DNS resolution - **Improved** Optimized registration with MyFRITZ! (myfritz.net) also possible without enabling MyFRITZ! internet access, under Internet > MyFRITZ! Account - *IMPROVED** SHA-2 support for VPN connections - **IMPROVED** Filter for port 25 (unsecured mail sending) also effective for the Guest Access (Wireless LAN/LAN) - **CHANGE** Connections to 1&1 lines also with Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6 and IPv4 Dual Stack) - **CHANGE** Connections to Vodafone lines also with Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6 and IPv4 Dual Stack) - **CHANGE** Type of internet connection "existing connection via wireless LAN" also supports non-encrypted wireless LAN - **CHANGE** Parental controls no longer differentiate between Windows users - **CHANGE** Devices blocked for internet use in the parental controls can be reached via VPN - **CHANGE** Internet service provider "GMX" removed - **CHANGE** FRITZ!Box devices in IP client mode (as for connection to existing network) can be registered with myfritz.net - **CHANGE** Certificate signed by letsencrypt.org (for MyFRITZ! addresses) - **BUG FIX** "Default user already exists" message when configuring parental controls - **BUG FIX** Possible circumvention of time limits defined in parental controls - **BUG FIX** Circumvention of parental controls for certain blocked websites - **BUG FIX** The LAN ports were switched for VPN LAN-LAN linkup - **BUG FIX** Improved VPN interoperability - **BUG FIX** VPN user connections not displayed in the home network overview - **BUG FIX** MyFRITZ! FTP links corrected - **BUG FIX** MyFRITZ! access or device with MyFRITZ! access could not be deleted under certain circumstances - **BUG FIX** Error while entering an already assigned IP address for a new device for port sharing - **BUG FIX** No IPv4 port sharing for devices with IPv6 interface ID during IPv4 internet connection without IPv6 - **BUG FIX** IPv6 NAS sharing link could not be used - **BUG FIX** Google DynDNS service not supported - **BUG FIX** Static IP address with /31 network mask not possible ##Telephony: - **IMPROVED** Redesigned administration of call blocks for incoming calls (telephone numbers) - **IMPROVED** Optimized management of telephone books ##DECT: - **IMPROVED** Playback of web radio and podcasts with HTTPS addresses on AVM devices (only if contents can be played back without encryption) - **BUG FIX** Speedphone 500 could no longer make calls ##Home network: - **BUG FIX** Possible error message (Error code 1) when IP address entered manually in the Device Details - **CHANGE** Connection Statistics area for the powerline network moved from the Network Device Details to the Contents>FRITZ!Box Support area ##Wireless: - **IMPROVED** DFS wait times in the 5-GHz band optimized - **IMPROVED** Band steering for wireless clients that support the 802.11v/k standards - **IMPROVED** Display of wireless standards 802.11k and 802.11v as "Signal Properties" (for band steering) - **IMPROVED** Display of frequency bands on Wireless LAN / Radio Channel page in the "Other radio networks in your vicinity" list - **IMPROVED** Improved changing of SSID in Wireless Assistant during first configuration - **BuG FIX** Selection of DFS channels in the 5 GHz band possible again in repeater mode - **BUG FIX** Display of interference sources on Wireless LAN / Radio Channel page in the "Use of the Wireless LAN Channels" list - **BUG FIX** The entire network environment of the base station is displayed in repeater mode ##Smart Home: - **IMPROVED** Support for external temperature sensor to determine room temperature - **IMPROVED** Push notification sent when an interrupted DECT connection is restored - **IMPROVED** Error while saving Smart Home Device names ##Security: - **CHANGE** The "Login without password (not recommended) option in the FRITZ!Box user interface now requires pressing a button on the FRITZ!Box ##Diagnostics: - **IMPROVED** Function diagnostics shows insufficient memory for saving faxes and voice messages when USB storage is full - **CHANGE** Display of port for Diagnostics & Maintenance ##System: - **NEW** Additional confirmation for certain changes can now be performed using the Google Authenticator - **IMPROVED** Redesigned Auto Update page - **IMPROVED** Event protocol on the Mesh Master also contains all events on the other FRITZ! devices in the Mesh WiFi - **IMPROVED** Push service sends mail after the update with additional information on the version and update progress - **IMPROVED** Push service change notice now also includes information on the registration of a new DECT device - **IMPROVED** Push service change notice on new devices in the home network now also includes information on new Mesh repeaters - **IMPROVED** "New FRITZ!OS" push service mail now also includes planned time of for auto updates - **IMPROVED** Optimized time synchronization (NTP) after internet dial-in - **IMPROVED** Consent to "Diagnostics and Maintenance" does not include permission for software updates - **IMPROVED** Simplified display for configuration of wireless LAN, LAN and WAN in the Interfaces area of the Overview menu - **IMPROVED** Redesigned push services overview - **CHANGE** For security reasons, the preconfigured user "ftpuser" can no longer be granted access from the internet - **CHANGE** For FRITZ!Box users who are granted access from the Internet, the password must be different from the user name - **CHANGE** The security of new password assignments must be rated at least "medium" or they will be rejected. - **CHANGE** Additional confirmation for creating VPN connections ##USB: - *IMPROVED** Message notifying about possible detriment to FRITZ!Box functions when contents deleted from the FRITZ! folder - **BUG FIX** System folders no longer indexed for the FRITZ! media server USB/UMTS: - **BUG FIX** Internet via mobile network not offered for all detected 3G dongles during first configuration --- ##New features for Mesh ------------------------------------------------------------- General information on Mesh is presented at en.avm.de/mesh-networking. ------------------------------------------------------------- **Enabling the Mesh Function** To check whether a FRITZ! product is enabled for Mesh, see the Mesh Overview of the FRITZ!Box (the Mesh Master) under "fritz.box -> Home Network -> Mesh". Here the products in the Mesh are designated with a corresponding "Mesh active" symbol. A FRITZ!WLAN Repeater or FRITZ!Powerline Adapter with FRITZ!OS 6.90 or higher installed can be enabled for Mesh in various ways: - If the product has the ex works settings configured and is being connected with the FRITZ!Box for the first time, it will be automatically enabled for Mesh. - If the product is already connected, but not enabled for Mesh, it is added to the Mesh by pressing a button on the product to be integrated and a button on the FRITZ!Box. On the FRITZ!Box, use the button that initiates WPS (depending on the model, press the "Connect" or "WPS" button briefly, or the "WLAN/WPS button for 6 seconds) If you've received the second FRITZ!Box from your internet provider this feature may not work in some cases. Please configurate this FRITZ!Box as a mesh repeater by visit the FRITZ!Box GUI manually. Instructions for configuring a FRITZ!Box connected via wireless LAN as a Mesh Repeater are presented at en.avm.de/mesh-faq ------------------------------------------------------------- **Telephony Mesh and Smart Home Mesh** With FRITZ!OS 7.0, telephony and Smart Home are also compatible with the Mesh. The connections of cordless telephones and Smart Home products are displayed in the FRITZ!Box Mesh Overview. You can use a second FRITZ!Box as Mesh repeater, and use telephones registered with the second FRITZ!Box with the numbers assigned in the first FRITZ!Box, the "Mesh Master". ------------------------------------------------------------- **Configuring a second FRITZ!Box as a Mesh repeater with the press of a button** Requirements: - Your existing FRITZ!Box supports Mesh (FRITZ!OS 6.90 or higher). This box is the Mesh Master. - The FRITZ!Box to be deployed as a Mesh repeater has been updated to FRITZ!OS 7.0 and you have restored its settings ex works. This box is to become the Mesh repeater. Here's how: - Connect the LAN1 port of the Mesh repeater with the Master using a LAN cable - Initiate the Connect function on both boxes (7590: press the "Connect" button briefly; 7490: press and hold down the WLAN/WPS button for 6 seconds) After the connection procedure is concluded, the second FRITZ!Box is ready for operation as a Mesh repeater. (It operates in "IP client" mode and, as a Mesh repeater, adopts the wireless LAN settings and other important settings from the FRITZ!Box). Please note that this function can be used only if the second FRITZ!Box is permanently connected with the first box by LAN cable. Instructions for configuring a FRITZ!Box connected via wireless LAN as a Mesh repeater are presented at en.avm.de/mesh-faq ------------------------------------------------------------ **Transmit the telephone numbers of a Mesh Master to another FRITZ!Box in the home network** Once you have added an additional FRITZ!Box to the Mesh, you can configure it so that all telephone numbers are available on each FRITZ!Box. If your FRITZ!Box is connected with a landline, you can use the telephones connected to the second FRITZ!Box to make calls over the internet as well as on the landline. If the latest FRITZ!OS 7.0 is installed on both FRITZ!Boxes, the telephone numbers are transferred automatically in the Mesh once the "Telephony in the Mesh" option is enabled. If the new FRITZ!Box is already part of the Mesh, or if you have already set up telephone numbers there, these telephone numbers must be deleted and one of the two FRITZ!Boxes must be restarted. Then the new FRITZ!Box must be enabled for "Telephony in the Mesh". To do so proceed as follows: - Click on "Home Network" in the user interface of the Mesh Master. - Click on "Mesh" in the "Home Network" menu. - Click on the "Mesh Settings" tab. - In the "Use Telephony in the Mesh" section, click on the "Enable" link next to the Mesh repeater in question and then confirm this operation on the Mesh Master as well, if prompted to do so. The telephone numbers are now distributed in the Mesh and can be assigned to your telephones and other terminal equipment for telephony (for instance, answering machines) on the FRITZ!Box. Note: Telephony Mesh is not the same thing as DECT repeating, which requires the support of special hardware on the FRITZ!Box deployed as the Mesh Master. If you would like to use DECT repeating, you can purchase the FRITZ!DECT Repeater 100 from an electronics retailer. ------------------------------------------------------------ **Display of 802.11k and 802.11v support on wireless devices** FRITZ!OS now displays wireless devices that support the wireless standards 802.11k and 802.11v directly in the user interface. Both standards are already widespread for wireless devices and are important prerequisites for the further development of Mesh WiFi for the fastest, lowest-interference, and most convenient control of wireless devices in Mesh environments To find out whether your wireless devices offer support for the 11k and/or 11v standards, see the "Properties" under the Wireless / Radio Network menu, or use the "Edit" function to display the properties of each wireless device. ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ ##Additional Innovations in FRITZ!OS 7.0 ------------------------------------------------------------ **What's new for the FRITZ! Hotspot** The new FRITZ!OS 7.0 vmakes setting up and using the FRITZ! Hotspot even easier. It's now even easier for users to choose whether the wireless guest access should be provided as an open hotspot, or encrypted as a private hotspot. If an open hotspot is chosen, the guests do not need to enter a security key. Caf\E9s, doctor's offices and small businesses, as well as all FRITZ!Box users, can provide their customers and visitors an easy-to-use internet access that complies with the current legal regulations. Whether it's private or public hotspot, guests cannot access the home network, but surf using a second wireless LAN provided by the FRITZ!Box. **Secure and Complete Control** The operator of the hotspot can decide which applications can be used in the guest network and which are prohibited. Daily email messages notify the operator of the hotspot about which devices were registered in the radio network and when. Another advantage is the option to reserve bandwidth. This options allows you to specify how much of the data rate is reserved for their own wireless LAN and how much is available to their guests. **Individual & Convenient** The Welcome page of the FRITZ! Hotspot offers additional convenience. Caf\E9s or businesses can greet their guests with a short welcome text, photo or logo. If desired, the guests can also be requested to consent to the terms of use for the hotspot. The hotspot is also available in locations where FRITZ!WLAN Repeaters or powerline devices supporting WiFi provide for better coverage. ------------------------------------------------------------ **Increased speed when using USB storage media with NTFS data systems** If you're using USB sticks or flash drives on your FRITZ!Box that are formatted with the data system NTFS, you can benefit from increased speed during transmission. You don't have to do anything - just continue to use the existing USB storage media as before. To check what data system is used, go to Home Network -> USB Storage Media in the FRITZ!Box user interface. ------------------------------------------------------------ **New security feature in the wireless LAN: "Protected Management Frames (PMF)"** FRITZ!OS now supports additional security during registration of devices with the wireless LAN. "Protected Management Frames" ("PMF" for short) offer additional protection for the wireless connection during the setup phase. PMF is standardized according to IEEE 802.11w-2009 and is automatically offered to or negotiated with wireless devices that support this technology. The new feature is available in the user interface under Wireless > Security > Additional Security Settings. ------------------------------------------------------------ **Support for Telekom SIP Trunking** With FRITZ!OS AVM 7.0 provides support for the SIP trunking technology from Deutsche Telekom. For a few months now, Deutsche Telekom has been offering its business clients a SIP Trunk standard, making it easy to switch from ISDN to IP-based ports. The FRITZ!Box supports up to 20 direct inward dialing (DID) numbers for telephones connected directly to the FRITZ!Box. If a user's phone tariff contains more than 20 direct inward dialing numbers, these can be used with an ISDN PBX (Private Branch Exchange) for the system connection via the FRITZ!Box's internal S0 interface. With FRITZ!OS 7.0, the FRITZ!Box supports the "Deutschland LAN SIP Trunk" and "Deutschland LAN SIP Trunk Pooling" tariffs. Detailed configuration instructions are presented in the following guide: https://avm.de/service/fritzbox/fritzbox-7590/wissensdatenbank/publication/show/3305_Telekom-SIP-Trunk-in-FRITZ-Box-einrichten/ ------------------------------------------------------------ **MyFRITZ! access to your FRITZ!Box via internet now without security messages in the browser** When you access the user interface of your FRITZ!Box from the internet, a security warning may be displayed in the browser. The new FRITZ!OS version enables your FRITZ!Box to receive a SSL certificate for your MyFRITZ! address from the organization letsencrypt.org. Browser access via the MyFRITZ! address to the interface of FRITZ!Box is no longer accompanied by a security warning, since most browsers trust the certificates from letsencrypt.org. Proceed as follows: 1. First you need to register your FRITZ!Box with MyFRITZ! (myfritz.net). 2. Under "Internet / MyFRITZ! Account", enable the "Let's encrypt" optLet's Encryption. 3. Confirm by clicking "Apply" and wait for the status "Certificate issued successfully". Your FRITZ!Box has the certificate created for your MyFRITZ! address and uses it for browser access to this address, for example when you access your FRITZ!Box via your account on https://myfritz.net. It's also possible to send links for FRITZ!NAS file sharing (for example photos) to third parties, who'll have access without annoying certificate warnings. This way, FRITZ!NAS becomes an even greater alternative to cloud storage services. Note: To receive the certificate, the TCP port 443 of your FRITZ!Box is open for a few minutes. The certificate is currently valid for 60 days and is then renewed by the FRITZ!Box. HTTPS access to your FRITZ!Box via public or local IP address, "fritz.box" in the home network or over a DynDNS provider do not use the certificate from letsencrypt. MyFRITZ!App: After activation of the Let's Encrypt certificate in the FRITZ!Box, the MyFRITZ!App notifies you once about the change of the certificate fingerprint. Select "trust" to continue using the new certificate. ------------------------------------------------------------ **Option for assessing and, if necessary, remedying detected interference with VDSL from Powerline** In the Internet / DSL Information / Interference Resistance menu of the FRITZ!Box, any interference with VDSL that may have been caused by FRITZ!Powerline can be minimized. This process of checking and adjusting can take up to ten minutes. During this time, the load on the powerline connection may affect the network quality and internet connection. This procedure can be repeated to optimize the interaction of VDSL with a high-performance powerline installation step by step, and the adjustmented settings can be returned to their original configuration. This option is available only if VDSL interference was detected that could have been caused by a FRITZ!Powerline product. ------------------------------------------------------------ **Support for DECT ULE/HAN FUN** DECT-ULE/HAN-FUN is a manufacturer-independent standard for Smart Home devices. The following sensors passed testing with FRITZ!OS 7.0 to confirm that they work with HAN-FUN: - SmartHome wall switches (https://www.smarthome.de/geraete/telekom-smarthome-wandtaster) - SmartHome door/window sensor (https://www.smarthome.de/geraete/eurotronic-smarthome-tuer-fensterkontakt-optisch) - SmartHome motion detector (https://www.smarthome.de/geraete/telekom-smarthome-bewegungsmelder-innen) Please note: The HAN-FUN devices are not supported by DECT repeaters. Other types of sensors can also be used as long as their manufacturers have declared them to be compatible with DECT-ULE/HAN-FUN. Actuators from the Telekom SmartHome product range are not supported at this time (e.g., InDoor/OutDoor adapter plugs, sirens). Used in combination with a FRITZ!Box and the FRITZ!DECT 200/210 smart plug, they can be used to realize the following scenarios: - Press wall switch => Outlet is switched => Light on/off - Motion sensor triggered => Light on in the home/garage/yard - Window sensor open/closed switches FRITZ!DECT 200 => connected humidifier / air purifier switches off/on Please note during installation: The Telekom app cannot be used to install SmartHome devices to be deployed with a FRITZ!Box. The HAN-FUN devices are connected (paired) with the FRITZ!Box via the DECT button. In addition to the AVM Smart Home devices, a maximum of ten HAN-FUN devices can be registered with a FRITZ!Box. After successful DECT pairing, the new devices are listed in the FRITZ!Box user interface (Home Network => Smart Home) as "HAN-FUN function xxx" and their properties can be configured accordingly. Disclaimer: Due to the general conditions prevalent in radio technologies, as well as certain special product properties of products, AVM cannot guarantee the complete functionality of devices from other manufacturers. ------------------------------------------------------------ **Support for Speedphone 11 from Deutsche Telekom** With FRITZ!OS 7.0 it is possible to use a Speedphone 11 with advanced telephone functions with a FRITZ!Box. For this the software of the Speedphone 11 must be updated. Please note: At the time of publication in July 2018, a corresponding update was forthcoming. If the firmware version 4.01 is installed on your Speedphone 11, perform the following steps: 1. Register the Speedphone 11 with the FRITZ!Box according to these instructions, during which the expanded security functions of the FRITZ!Box will be disabled briefly: https://avm.de/service/fritzbox/fritzbox-7590/wissensdatenbank/publication/show/3288_Speedphone-nach-Neustart-der-FRITZ-Box-abgemeldet/ 2. If a new Speedphone firmware is available for updating, it will be offered automatically. Alterntively, you can perform a manual check via the menu. 3. Once the firmware has been updated (> version 4.01), the security functions disabled in step one should be reactivated in the FRITZ!Box. 4. Re-register the Speedphone 11 with the FRITZ!Box. The Speedphone 11 is now available for telephone services with DECT encryption enabled. The following features were tested successfully: - caller ID display - caller ID - access to the FRITZ!Box address book - call list - use of the FRITZ!Box answering machine