Αν έχετε δοκιμάσει ακουστικά με καλή μείωση εξωτερικού θορύβου (active noise cancellation) ξέρετε πως είναι η πρώτη στιγμή. Όλος ο εξωτερικός κόσμος σβήνει. Πατάς play να αρχίσει η μουσική και είναι πρωτόγνωρη εμπειρία. Ε, η Skullcandy το πάει ένα βήμα παραπέρα. Στα Crusher ANC μπορείς να παραμετροποιήσεις τον ήχο ανάλογα με τον τρόπο που ακούς εσύ!

Εδώ ολόκληρο το άρθρο από το DH:
If you’ve ever put on a pair of noise-cancelling headphones, you’ll know that the audio experience it can deliver is pretty mind-blowing. When you first put them on, it can feel like a sensory deprivation tank for your ears — but it’s when you turn the music on that the real magic starts.

Having a pair of headphones with ANC (active noise-cancelling) technology can not only be a life-changing accessory for helping you work from home while blocking out noisy roommates or the sound of the dishwasher, but also for delivering a much richer listening experience for your favourite track.
Skullcandy Crusher ANC headphones monitor the environment around you to eliminate outside noise and keep your music your main priority (so you can listen to more to Drake and less noisy laundry machines).
And just when you thought we had reached peak headphone technology, the Crusher ANC headphones come with a new feature that delivers Custom Personalized Sound.
What does Custom Personalized Sound mean? Basically, the feature creates your own personal audio profile based on a real-time audio test that you complete using its app. Based on your unique hearing, your music’s audio levels are optimized — so you end up hearing layers you never knew existed. In other words, that new Weeknd album just started sounding way, way better.

Personalized audio makes for an incredibly immersive listening experience, but Skullcandy’s Crusher ANC headphones don’t stop there. The stylish set also comes with Adjustable Sensory Bass. Having Skullcandy’s broadest range of Sensory Bass yet with new patented drivers basically means you’ll be able to really feel that bass (feel that bass, no treble). And you can also adjust the level of bass, depending on what you’re in the mood for.
The Crusher ANC headphones have Bluetooth and are wireless, so you don’t have to worry about getting tangled in the cord when you’re out for a jog. The pair has a 24-hour battery life, and if you were ever worried about losing them, they come with a built-in Tile Tracker that can locate them remotely for you (gasp!)