Είναι μια από τις πιο χυδαίες σπατάλες και σε χρήμα και σε πλαστικό. Κάθε παιδικό πάρτυ, beach party, bachelor party ή river party γεμίζει άνετα μια ή δυο μεγάλες σκουπιδοσακούλες σε πλαστικά πιατάκια, ποτηράκια, μαχαιράκια και γενικά ….άκια!
Ένας όμως έξυπνος φοιτητής όμως είδε στην μακρινή Ανατολή τις γυναίκες του χωριού να βάζουν στον φούρνο φύλλα! Και να βγάζουν πιάτα. Πήρε την ιδέα, την Δυτικοποίησε και τώρα διαθέσιμο σαν προϊόν το πιάτο από ανακυκλωμένα φύλλα. Από τις καλύτερες ιδέες για πάρτυ.
Και το κλου, ένα χρησιμότατο εργαλείο για να υπολογίσετε πόσα πιάτα θα χρειαστείτε με το party calculator! Εμπρός λοιπόν party girls and boys, κάντε πιο chic και πιο οικολογικό το πάρτυ γενεθλίων ή – γιατί όχι – ακόμα και το γαμήλιο πάρτυ σας. Τα πιάτα μπορείτε να τα θάψετε στον κήπο σας για λίπασμα μετά! Μόνο φροντίστε και οι προσκλήσεις του πάρτυ να είναι σε ανακυκλωμένο χαρτί, ε;
Σημείωση: δεν κυκλοφορούν ακόμα με σχέδια Κεραυνού ΜακΚουίν, Μπομπ Σφουγγαράκι, Μπομπ ο Μάστορας, Μπάτμαν, Μπάρμπι, Σπάϊντερμαν, Μπεν 10 ή τίποτα τέτοιο.
Θέματα ασφαλείας τροφίμων:

“Anaerobic Plate Count – APC35C
Test: Coliform and Yeast/Mold testing
Result: Passed. All tests showed at below the minimum detectable amounts.
Explanation: The products are sanitary for immediate use out of the package.
PhytoSanitationTest: Before shipping, the container is fumigated and tested for safety. To be exported, the test must be passed.
Result: Passed.Explanation: Plant material is safe for contact with food.
FDA & USDA Inspection
Test: Upon entrance to Port in the US, shipments are sample spot checked before release to ensure health and safety.Explanation: VerTerra is FDA and USDA approved before reaching your door.
ASTM D-6400
Test: Health, Composting and Composition. Maximum thickness of 2.8mm (2x the thickness of our standard product) using FTIR infrared spectrometry, ash
testing and AA (Acid Ash) heavy metals testing. This test was run by Advanced Materials Center, Inc.
Result: VerTerra dinnerware was shown to pass against the standards for all 13 heavy metals.
Explanation: Testing for heavy metals is for both human and environmental concern. The tests showed that not only were VerTerra products well below the acceptable level, they were a fraction of any competitor product.
Compostability TestingTo meet the US Composting Council and Biodegradable Products Institute (BPI) criteria for compostable
ASTM D-6866
Test: Biological material testing
Result: Bio-based determination showed a result average of 100%.Explanation: VerTerra products are completely natural. There are no additives, plastics, waxes or glues in VerTerra products.
ASTM D-6868 with pre-screening of ASTM D-6002 per OECD 208
Test: Compostability and safety of composted material—summer barley used as the germinating spore. Test run by Advanced Material Center, Inc.
Results: Passed with 92% in 14 days. Additionally, plant growth was 66% greater than the base line soil test and 32% greater than the compost alone test.Explanation: Simply put, the compost mixed with VerTerra byproducts acts as a fertilizer, enhancing plant growth.
ASTM D-5338 with pre-screening of ASTM D-6002 per OECD 208
Test: Compostability and safety of composted material—cress seed used as the germinating spore. Test run by Advanced Material Center, Inc.
Results: Passed with 95% in 14 days. Additionally, plant growth was 56% greater than the base line soil test and 69% greater than the compost alone test.
Explanation: A mixture of compost and VerTerra byproducts acts as a fertilizer, enhancing plant growth signicantly. Not only does VerTerra compost, but alsomakes high-quality compost.
ASTM D-6868 and ASTM D-6400
Test: Speed and ability to be composted. Test run by Advanced Materials Center, Inc.
Results: The test was run for only 62 days instead of the full 90 day course, due to the expedited rate of composting. Samples averaged 95.4% compost disintegration
with a carbon nitrogen breakdown of 13.5:1.Explanation: As the standard for this test is 60% in 90 days, VerTerra dinnerware breaks down 150% above the standard in 2/3 the time. That means that VerTerra breaks down at 227% the rate that competitors do, so if you run your own composting facility the product will be composted in a fraction the time.”